A Journey with Postum:

Nurturing Health, One Sip at a Time

Welcome to Postum, a blend born from a personal quest for wellness. In 1895 the Postum Cereal Company began offering Postum to the public as a healthy alternative to coffee. June Rust's journey led her to release Postum again to consumers so they can enjoy this delicious healthful beverage. Postum is caffeine-free and crafted with whole grains. Today, Eliza's Quest Foods, a thriving women-owned business, continues this legacy.

Postum's journey centers on sourcing excellence and sustainability. We select the finest ingredients – wheat, wheat bran, and molasses – ensuring quality and sustainability. Even the spent grains nurture local soil.

Community engagement is key; we support education through an athletic scholarship. Our vision is simple: offer a nutritious, comforting choice. Make Postum your morning ritual and evening calm, enriching your day one sip at a time.

I’m glad you’re here.